Sunday, December 31, 2006

The (other) French paradox

A researcher in Australia has recently discovered that Toxoplasma gondii infection alters people's behavior. Infected men have lower IQs, take more risks, are more anti-social, and are generally less attractive to women. Women tend to take more risks (are more outgoing, more promiscuous), and are more attractive to men. No word on their IQs.

Okay, so I find the fact that they focused on the "wowzer! men and women react differently!" to the infection aspect (the case could be made that men and women react differently to the same behavior in the opposite sex) a little annoying.

But could this be behind that certain je ne sais quoi of French women?

Eating raw meat, a main transmission route, is very common in France, and about 85% of the population are have been infected with the disease. Of course, French men are supposed to be all seductive. And, so far as I know, cat ladies and gardeners are not known for their sexual magnetism.

So anyway, read the article here