Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This is not (quite) a completely lame blog post

So I only have enough time to bitch a bit about the time I don't have. If I had had more than the little more time I have, I would have blogged about:

Deuce ex machina: a few interesting pieces on brain development and the sex chromosomes. This one in the NYT, and another that I should find because it was more interesting, about how the X, compensating for the Y, doubles its output, and so, when two copies are present, one or the other goes dormant. Female cats calico. X central to brain development. Female geniuses or lack thereof. Einstein's mom. Fathers and sons. I firmly believe in your ability to connect the dots.

Land of the lost: the new creation museum. We were sort of close a few weeks back and I sort of didn't consider going. I just not that into it. But I visited their website and came across "How can we see distant stars in a young universe?", which I think would make a lovely title for a poem. I could just have meaning envy.

Anyway, I am going to go back to learning hand-clap rhymes.

Down down baby
I can do karate
Down down baby
I can shake my body
Down down baby
I can phone my mommy
Down down baby
((lightly) tap each other on forehead)
Oops! I'm sorry.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you made this NQCLBP.

    I thing the guys from the Creation Museum should hook up with the folks from the Museum of Jurassic Technology, and start an Association of Fake Museums for Various Purposes.

  2. Love the tag line "prepare to believe!" Not that they're offering a basis for that... but they'll provide a lovely DisneyLike experience very similar to actual human contact! Good to see you in the blogosphere. Got the dot connections from XY to Einsteins mom, but the clap rhyme seems surpassingly sublime... now *I* have meaning envy!

  3. Still lurking, awaiting your next revelation...

    and, um, playing tag! you're it!
