Sunday, February 1, 2009

neige neige neige (25 things)

1. I collect pigeon feathers, but usually only under the following conditions: 1) I am in a good mood, 2) I see a feather and 3) I feel like picking it up.
2. However, now my daughter runs ahead and picks them up for me
3. My name means "lively little dancer (earth - oat-fodder)"
4. Noema's name means, among other things "profound thought adventurer (oat-fodder - guy from Jaro)"
5. Anoushka's name means "grace reborn (oat-fodder - guy from Jaro)"
6. Mark and I seriously considered making up a new last name, "Jarova", which would have meant absolutely nothing (maybe), but would have spared our future descendents from the coming hyphenation explosion.
7. I wanted to give the girls Mark's last name. Mark wanted to give them my last name. I did not cut off my hair and Mark did not sell his watch.
8. Noema and I were both born on Thursday.
9. On Thursday I celebrate by doing things I want to do but consider ill-advised.
10. Right now I take a dance class that involves a lot of "vogueing" with women 10 years my junior.
11. I rarely regret anything I do on a Thursday.
12. I make art type things which 1) involves BabyBel cheese wax and 2) are inspired by lines from Eliot's Ash-Wednesday. They often involve pigeon feathers.
13 For Lent I always give up 3 things: 1) Civ (the video game), 2) buying new books, 3) buying new clothes. Of course, it's kind of cheating since I don't really play video games anymore.
14. Every day I play SET for a minute or few.
15. When I was pregnant with Anoushka I started looking at celebrity pictures. As an antidote for loneliness and fear it is moderately effective. But highly embarrassing.
16. Maybe I will give up the celebrity pictures this year and get the new Civ. (Of course, it only takes about 3 minutes to look at the pics, and I can play civ until my hand stops working.)
17. I love soundtracks - my favorites are 1) Kung Fu Hustle, 2) Empire of the Sun, 3) Strictly Ballroom and 4) Mr. Jealousy.
18. I clip my finger-nails in public.
19. When I smoked I would put the butts in my pocket because I didn't want to litter.
20. I take great comfort from the knowledge that I can always carry gum and earplugs in my pocket.
21. My life has been greatly improved by taking my coat off first and putting it on last.
22. Most days I kickbox with ankle weights, hand weights, and patching my strong eye. I put Anoushka in her playpen and say "Arrrr" a lot.
23. I have a plan to make a weight vest out of baggies of sand and duct tape.
24. I do know efficiency can go too far.
25. Today is not Thursday.

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